
What God Wants

May 17, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me” (Psalm 50.23).


Often times, we strive to please people – our spouse, our employer, and/or God – through our performance. Somehow we think if we work harder, do the right things and produce results, we will somehow get ahead, they will love us more, or we can “get in good” with God.

Today’s reading demonstrates to us that God is not pleased with outward signs of performance that have no heart. Rather, God is concerned with our motives: the reason “why” we do something in addition to the “what” we do. The Israelites were going through the motions in their worship and had contracted an attitude that somehow God should be happy with all they were doing for him. How about you? Are you content to continue giving God the same-old offerings without heart, or does the attitude of your heart reflect the kind of offering God wants?


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