
Trials that Produce Maturity

Apr 17, 2012 / Bible Study / 5 COMMENTS

Today’s Bible Study
April 17, 2012

Saul hunted him day after day, but God didn’t let Saul find him”
(1 Samuel 23:14).

David’s Flight Path from Saul:
David's Flight Path from Saul

To Find (look for):

  1. What was so insensitive about Nabal not wanting to share his food (1 Samuel 25:10-11)?
  2. Do you suppose Abigail had faith (1 Samuel 25:29)?

To Mind (key point):
Sheep-shearing time was a time of hospitality and festivities for shepherds. David would have been familiar with this practice, so when he asked Nabal, a rich man with many provisions, for food for his men, he is outraged at Nabal’s disregard for this common cultural practice. Nabal’s wife, Abigail, responds sensibly and intercedes successfully for her husband.

To Bind (apply to our lives):
David was provided an opportunity to kill Saul today in a dark cave; yet, out of respect for his position of authority and for God, he did not take that action. We can’t always be sure circumstances that present themselves are wise to pursue. Sometimes we are presented with temptations. Not every painful circumstance is to be avoided however, as trials are often God-given circumstances designed to produce maturity in us. As we read about David’s perseverance through his trials, will you be inspired to allow your faith to carry you through yours?

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  1. 5 Comments
  2. Karen
    Apr 17, 2012 at 8:15 am

    Shannon, I pray that you will be richly blessed for your faithfulness in preparing and meeting with us every day! As I reflected on today’s reading, it seems that most circumstances have the potential to be either a faith-building trial or a temptation leading to sin. David could have killed Saul and justified it, calling disobedience obedience as Saul did earlier. But he chose to respect and protect the one that God had placed in a position of authority over him. God help us to choose the actions and responses that honor Him. Thank you again!

    • Shannon
      Apr 17, 2012 at 11:09 am

      Hi Karen! It’s wonderful to see you on the blog today! Blessings to you, friend!

  3. Vonda Skelton
    Apr 17, 2012 at 8:34 am

    Great point, Karen! Oh, that I would be faithful to grow and mature in my trials instead of succumbing to the devil’s temptation.

    Two details that jumped out at me in today’s reading. In our day of instant everything, it was eye-opening to actually notice the gifts Abigail brought to David. She wouldn’t have simply gone to the cupboard and freezer and pulled out these offerings. Instead, her gifts to David would have required a long day or perhaps even days of baking, cooking, and preparation. But in doing that, she prevented David from making a terrible mistake.

    Also, thank you for pointing out that David ran from Saul for 12-15 years! My goodness, I had no idea! What a reminder that should be to us today that God’s will doesn’t always happen quickly. But it was during those years that David grew into the man who would be king. As hard as it is, we must take our own trials in the same way, knowing they will grow us for whatever God has in store.

    • Shannon
      Apr 17, 2012 at 11:11 am

      Yes, the timing of things is often hidden as we read Scripture and sometimes it seems things happen so quickly, but not so. Was surprised that it was that long too! Shalom, dear friend!

  4. Lynn
    May 3, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    Whoever said that men were smarter than women? Of course, women aren’t always the smart ones either!!

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