
The Herald

Sep 24, 2022 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1.1).


Today we begin our study of the New Testament! Welcome if you are just joining us or are coming back to the study! I pray you will be richly blessed as we study the life of Jesus and the birth of the church for the remainder of this year. Thank you for your faithfulness to study the Word of God!


After a four hundred year silence, the inter-testamental period concludes with the birth of a baby… but, not just any baby. This baby is the one foretold by the prophets in the Scriptures, the Messiah.

Scripture affirms Jesus always existed. He is God, creator and sustainer of the world today. Marvel at the realization that He chose to leave heaven and come to earth as a tiny baby to seek that which He had not… eternity with you and me!


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