
Speak to the Rock

Mar 05, 2025 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Because you did not trust me enough, you will not lead them into the land” (Numbers 20:12).


Purification was a sanctification process. They were required to cleanse themselves and if they did not, they were relegated outside the community. This has relevance to us today in that as Christians, we are called to the process of sanctification, a work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to change us to become more like Christ. It is our responsibility to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this work from the time we accept Jesus into our heart until the time of our death or Christ’s Second Coming, whichever comes first. We’re supposed to be working with God to become sanctified this side of heaven.

Do you take the process of sanctification seriously enough? Speak to the Rock (Jesus) and ask Him to send you a greater filling of the Holy Spirit to change you from the inside out.


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