
Shechem’s Revolt

Apr 03, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“God sent a spirit that stirred up trouble between Abimelech…because he murdered Gideon’s seventy sons” (Judges 9:23-24).

Click to download Chart of 12 Judges:
Chart of 12 Judges


We are discussing the way the book of Judges is in stark contrast to the book of Joshua, and we’re learning that a cycle emerges: Israel worships other gods, God allows pagan nations to oppress them, the Israelites cry out to God, and God raises up a deliverer. For 18 years the Ammonites oppress Israel, which prompts them to cry out to God. Once they put aside their foreign gods, the Lord raised up another to deliver them.

Today we read about Jephthah, Israel’s ninth judge. He gives credit to God for fighting for Israel in the past and acknowledges God’s role to decide who is right. He is mentioned as a man of faith in the book of Hebrews. This is part one… tomorrow we will see he makes a foolish and hasty statement that costs him dearly. Stay tuned for tomorrow…


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