
Pestilence or Passover

Feb 03, 2012 / Bible Study / 6 COMMENTS

Today’s Bible Study
February 3, 2012

When Pharaoh saw that relief had come, he became stubborn (heavy heart)… just as the Lord had predicted” (Exodus 8:15).

Click the link(s) below to download charts: (Click the Back button to return to blog)
Chart of Plagues
Plagues and Relation to Egyptian Gods

To Find (look for):

  1. Does Pharaoh ever confess his sin?
  2. How did the Egyptians relate confession to the afterlife?

To Mind (key point):
Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn, which meant it was heavy, unkind, harsh, oppressive and intense. Understanding this in the figurative sense, we interpret its meaning as a spiritual problem. His heart trusted in other things rather than the true and living God.

To Bind (apply to our lives):
God can and does use people to accomplish His purposes. Pharaoh was being used as God’s instrument for a purpose – to give God glory so that His power may be declared through all the earth (Rom 9:17). Just as God used a plague to come against the Egyptians’ “other gods,” He will come against anything in your life that has higher place than Him. Put your trust in the living God and He will be faithful to come and deliver you.

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  1. 6 Comments
  2. Vonda Skelton
    Feb 3, 2012 at 6:24 am

    Shannon, you answered my questions this morning! I’ve always wondered why God would harden Pharaoh’s heart and then punish him for it. Now I know why! Thank you!

    Also, I love the verse in Ps 123 that you showed us. Oh, that I would watch for and respond to God’s slightest signal! That I would be close enough and sensitive enough and tuned in enough to God that I would not only hear His whisper, but I would anticipate and recognize His will, even when the evidence is subtle. Now THAT is walking with God!

    Have a blessed weekend!

    • Shannon
      Feb 3, 2012 at 7:13 am

      Amen, Sister! Wonderful way to start the day this morning. Shalom, friend!

  3. Susan
    Feb 3, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    Thanks for the charts! I will definitely be stapling them to my notes for quick reference in future studies. The info about the Egyptians’ belief about confession and the heart added great richness and insight to the reading. I am learning TONS with this story format by not being distracted by all the study notes in my Bible. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this study!!!!

    Thank you, Shannon, for being obedient to God’s call to teach this study. 🙂

    • Shannon
      Feb 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm

      That’s awesome to hear Susan! Thank you for sharing that with me. Having worked in corporate most of my adult life up to this point, I will tell you that my being obedient to God’s call to teach is a new thing for me. I’ll have to share more about my personal struggles with working vs. ministry in future videos. Thank you for your encouragement; I am thrilled to hear you enjoy it so much.

  4. Jeanette Edgar
    Feb 3, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    I love how Moses responded after Pharoah confessed in Ex 9:17. Moses knew there was no genuine fear of the Lord, just a desire for the circumstances to change. God hardens hearts to show His glory, and it is His desire that we would humble ourselves and worship Him in response to that glory. Great lesson.

    • Shannon
      Feb 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm

      Hello my friend! Good to see you on the blog again. Great post! Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend. See you Monday!

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