
Parable of the Trees

Apr 02, 2014 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Parable of the Trees

Today’s Scripture
“You have too many warriors. If I let all of you fight… they’ll boast they saved themselves” (Judges 7:2).


The book of Judges is in stark contrast to the book of Joshua. Here we see apostasy, Israel’s turning away from God, which results in social decline and moral degradation. A cycle emerges: Israel worships other gods, God allows pagan nations to oppress them, the Israelites cry out to God, and God raises up a deliverer. In Judges, we see a dozen “deliverers” in the form of judges. A judge was a military warrior who helped Israel defeat their enemy and come out from under oppression.

Today we read about Gideon’s test of faith. With over 32,000 warriors to fight, he was ready to fight against the Midianites. Yet, God told him he was to fight with only 300 men! This was to ensure there was no question that God was working in this situation, ensuring that Israel won in victory. The Israelites were living “on a miracle basis” – believing that God would and could come to their rescue. Do you live your life on a miracle basis?


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