
The Day The Sun Stood Still

Mar 25, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“All the kings came out to fight. Their combined armies formed a vast horde. And with all their horses and chariots, they covered the landscape like the sand on the seashore” (Joshua 11:4).


Joshua was a great military strategist and spiritual giant. He was careful to follow the directives of the Lord and was courageous to fight vast armies against great odds.

A decisive victory was won under Joshua’s leadership today against five kings. The key to the victory was obedience to God. Joshua took control just as God commanded him (Joshua 11:23) and he believed God would help. Can the same be said of you? Do you walk forward in life with a trust so sure that you wouldn’t hesitate to ask Him to make the moon stand still?


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