
A Holy Ark

Apr 23, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Because you Levites did not carry the Ark the first time, the anger of the Lord burst out against us” (1 Chronicles 15:13).


David moves the Ark from a man’s home to a tent (not the Tabernacle) in Jerusalem. They were not careful to transport it according to the stipulations God gave to Moses and because Uzzah touched the Ark, he died.

After the death of Uzzah, David was thoughtful and pondered the reason. He concluded their carelessness in handling the emblem of God’s presence caused Uzzah’s death and was saddened by it. Then, he researched the transportation requirements in that portion of the Law and followed them more closely. Do you treat the things of God – your bible, your Sunday worship service – in carelessness or in holiness and reverence?


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