
Patience Prepares

Feb 02, 2013 / Bible Study / 1 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Let my son go so he can worship me” (Exodus 4:23).

Here is the genealogy of Moses:
12 Genealogy of Moses


God prepares Moses as a shepherd in Midian to later shepherd his people, Israel, out of slavery into new life with Him. God is about to display Himself as the covenant God who remembers His promises and brings His people out of bondage!

The Hebrew word for worship is “slave.” Israel was to serve the Lord, and in so doing, worship Him. Service is an act of worship.


  1. 1 Comment
  2. Vonda Skelton
    Feb 4, 2013 at 8:16 am

    Thank you for reminding us that God never said Moses would lead them into the Promised Land. For as long as I’ve heard this story–which has been my whole life!–I had always thought God was terribly harsh to prevent Moses from going into the Promised Land because of his disobedience. My goodness–look at all the good He did! But by seeing that God didn’t say it here, I was reminded that He DOES know all, long before it comes to pass.

    But the thing that encouraged me is that even though God knew Moses would disobey and wouldn’t be allowed to go into the Land, He still chose Moses for this incredible job. Wow.

    And just like He knows I will fail Him at times throughout my life, He still chooses to allow me to do what He has for me to do…even in my weakness and failure. Praise Him!

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