
A Cure for Stubbornness

Mar 15, 2025 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Change your hearts and stop being stubborn” (Deut 10:16).


Changing a heart was a mark of submission to the will of God. It signifies the deepest spiritual reality of our relationship with God. The “heart” in Scripture refers most simply to our will.

God requires an inward transformation of our will so that we can turn from a life of sin (disobedience, turning away from God, being “stubborn” towards Him) and move to a new life of submission (obedience, trust and fellowship). We are called to “change our hearts” so that we might “stop being stubborn.”

Our hearts were changed when we came to Christ, but not by a physical process. He performed a spiritual operation – the cutting away of our sinful nature (Col 2:11). Christ did it and we must now cooperate with Him in surrendering our pride and dependence on ourselves (Jer 4:4). This is a life-long process that should happen more and more each day. This operation to cure stubbornness is the cure so we are able to love, serve and obey God.


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