
A Wholehearted Commitment

Mar 13, 2025 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Go up to Mount Pisgah and look over the land in every direction… but you (Moses) may not go into the land” (Deut 3:27).


Remember the first time your parents gave you the keys to the family car to take it out for a spin? They probably handed over the keys with “fear and trembling,” and with warnings to be careful, wear a seatbelt and be home on time. In today’s reading, Moses is delivering a sermon of warning to the Israelites to remind them to obey the decrees and commands of the Lord or else they would not get to stay in the land.

Today’s reading comes as a gentle reminder to us to remember God’s mighty acts in our lives – for all the things we know and for the times He’s acted on our behalf of which we’re unaware, to obey God, forsaking all other gods and to study the Word. Knowing what the Word says is the first step to understanding what to do. Obeying God with a wholehearted commitment is the key to a full enjoyment of life.


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