
An Offensive Strategy

Mar 12, 2025 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“You have stayed at this mountain long enough. It is time to move on” (Deut 1:6).


Deuteronomy contains a series of sermons delivered by Moses. In today’s reading, he is near death, speaking to the second generation of Israelites as they are about to begin fighting for their promised land.

Moses doesn’t enter the Promised Land because he had doubts, too. The reading tells us that he was worried the children would be captured. Every person in the entire generation who disbelieved God’s power and provision were not allowed to go into the land, including Moses. This is true of our life today. When we doubt God’s provision and power, we cannot enter into our inheritance of peace. God told the people it was time to move, that they had been in that place long enough. In what area of disbelief is God telling you to move away from, because you have been there “long enough?”


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