
The Curse of Complaining

Mar 02, 2025 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“And the Lord heard everything they said” (Numbers 11:11).


It’s easy for us to complain; often times we are faced with situations that are less than desirable. However, often times complaining indicates a self-centered focus or a rejection of God’s provision. Carnal (physical) complaining is not honored by God; in fact, the Bible says it makes him angry. The older generation failed to enter the Promised Land because of their unbelief. Like the Israelites, when we disbelieve in God’s ability to provide and care for us, our unbelief robs us of blessing too.

Are you wandering in a “wilderness,” failing to truly trust God for all things, living outside of the land, or are you entering in to your promised land, able to trust God through all things and all circumstances, making full use of the Holy Spirit’s power in your life? Where are you today?


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