
Embracing the New

Sep 30, 2024 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture: September 30
“But no one who drinks the old wine seems to want the new wine. ‘The old is just fine,’ they say.” (Luke 5:39).


Today, we read about Jesus’ teaching by the Sea of Galilee, His healing of a man with leprosy and His healing of a paralyzed man. We begin to see Jesus becoming a popular person with the people, while disagreements arise among the religious leaders about his teachings.

Jesus’ teachings weren’t always popular. He came so that we may become new, and newness requires change. How about you? Are you like the persons Jesus spoke about in Luke 5:39 who preferred “old wineskins?” Or, do you desire to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to bring about change in your life? God wants to do something new, in and through you. Will you let Him?


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