
Growing Spiritually

Apr 15, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Isn’t this David, the king of the land?” they asked. “Isn’t he the one the people honor with dances, singing, ‘Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands'”? (1 Samuel 21:11).


When we start to take our eyes off of God and placed them on our circumstances, we start to fear man more than God. We may get in a hurry, start to place our faith in others and trust in our own plans. We build our lives on “sinking sand,” rather than a Rock, a “sure foundation.”

Do you pray before every decision? Do you ask God to reveal deceit in your heart? Do you pray for Go to help you grow up spiritually? We can’t prevent our growing up physically, but growing up spiritually requires cooperation with the Holy Spirit.


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