
The Power of Quiet Time

Jun 14, 2022 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“While the harp was being played, the power of the LORD came upon Elisha” (2 Kings 3:15).


In the midst of crisis and the heat of war, Israel’s and Judah’s troops had no water, so at Jehosophat’s suggestion, they inquired of God’s help through Elisha. In order to hear from the LORD, Elisha put himself in a position to be able to hear God and asked for someone to come play the harp.

It is often during our moments of quiet time, where we pause long enough to reflect and focus on God, getting away from the busyness and distractions of daily life that we hear most clearly from Him. Do you take the time in order to receive the power of a quiet time?


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