
When Answers Don’t Come

Jan 20, 2023 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“What are people that you should think so much of us, that you think of us so often?” (Job 7:17) (See also Ps 8:4).


During life, there will be times of struggle. James, the brother of Jesus, tells us (James 5:13) that if anyone is afflicted, let him pray. To God we must commit our cause. Yet through this great tragedy, Job realizes that his most important need is for God to take away his sin (Job 7:21).

God’s actions are sometimes unsearchable, unknowable and beyond our understanding. Yet, He tells us it is ok to ask him for answers, and He promises that when we ask, He will tell us great things we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).


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