
Preparing a Dwelling Place

Feb 09, 2013 / Bible Study / 5 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them” (Exodus 25:8-9).

Click the link(s) below to see pictures of the Tabernacle: (Click the Back button to return to blog)
Artist’s Rendition of Tabernacle in Wilderness
Tabernacle Diagram Labeled

Here is a diagram of the Tabernacle:
12 Diagram of Tabernacle


Moses is spending 40 days and 40 nights with God on a mountaintop, receiving instructions to build a tabernacle – a movable house. Not just a tent, the tabernacle will be God’s house, where He will actually dwell and live among the people.

God gave Moses instructions to create a priesthood, assigning Aaron as High Priest. We, too, are called to be priests unto God. We are part of a royal priesthood and like the High Priest, have direct access to God today through Jesus’ work on the cross. Serving God is not about finding ways to do what we want for Him, it’s really about doing exactly as He’s instructed. God desired the Israelites to follow His instructions to the letter, as He desires the same from us today.


  1. 5 Comments
  2. Sam Magruder
    Feb 9, 2013 at 8:22 am

    I loved the diagram of the Tabernacle. Just wondering if you have pictures or a link of the items they were asked to make:
    Altar of the Burnt offering
    Chest piece
    Additional Clothing

    When you think about the huge amount of precious metals required back then is amazing. — 75 pounds just for the lampstand.

  3. Gerry Sookhoo
    Feb 9, 2013 at 10:18 am

    I am really enjoying our walk through the Bible.I am understanding so many things I hadn’t before.
    I thank God for the chance to do so and also for Shannon who does such a wonderful job with her studies.
    God Bless all of you;
    Gerry Sookhoo

    • Shannon
      Feb 9, 2013 at 10:23 am

      Hi Gerry. Love your post today. Thank you so much for sharing. So glad the Bible study is helpful to you and that you are doing the study this year. Blessings!

  4. Vonda Skelton
    Feb 12, 2013 at 8:04 am

    One of the most eye-opening revelations to me during last year’s study was how often we see Jesus throughout the Bible, not just in a few selected prophetic books and the New Testament. I loved seeing Jesus in the Tabernacle today. Only one way in…the gold of His royalty and the wood of His humanity…the mercy seat where the blood covers sin…the lampstand representing His Holy Spirit…the list goes on and on.

    Shannon, your study has last year and now this year has taught me more than I’ve learned in all my other studies combined. Thank you!

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