
Preparing a Dwelling Place

Feb 09, 2012 / Bible Study / 3 COMMENTS

Today’s Bible Study
February 9, 2012

Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them” (Exodus 25:8-9).

Click the link(s) below to see pictures of the Tabernacle: (Click the Back button to return to blog)
Artist’s Rendition of Tabernacle in Wilderness
Tabernacle Diagram Labeled

Here is a diagram of the Tabernacle:
12 Diagram of Tabernacle

To Find (look for):

  1. Was it important to God that the people build everything to the exact specifications He described (Exodus 25:40)?
  2. Why do you suppose that was important?

To Mind (key point):
Moses is spending 40 days and 40 nights with God on a mountaintop, receiving instructions to build a tabernacle – a movable house. Not just a tent, the tabernacle will be God’s house, where He will actually dwell and live among the people.

To Bind (apply to our lives):
God gave Moses instructions to create a priesthood, assigning Aaron as High Priest. We, too, are called to be priests unto God. We are part of a royal priesthood and like the High Priest, have direct access to God today through Jesus’ work on the cross. Serving God is not about finding ways to do what we want for Him, it’s really about doing exactly as He’s instructed. God desired the Israelites to follow His instructions to the letter, as He desires the same from us today.

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  1. 3 Comments
  2. Vonda Skelton
    Feb 9, 2012 at 7:05 am

    Good morning, Shannon and Living Power friends! Well, Shannon, I have to admit, I wasn’t exactly looking forward to this part of Exodus. All these instructions have always seemed like something I didn’t need to consider in this day and age. And yet, you’ve shown me again that no word in His Word is ever wasted. The challenge to do things exactly as He prescribes is a great take-away to this passage.

    But the biggest revelation to me was the fact that in order to find forgiveness, there was only one way in, and then shedding of blood. One way in. Wow.

    Of course, we know today that the only way to salvation is the One Way of Jesus Christ and His shed blood. But I’d never considered the parallel.

    And I love your quote about ministry, too. Do you know who said that? I’d love to quote it.

    Love and blessings today!

  3. Shannon
    Feb 9, 2012 at 6:14 pm

    Hello! Thank you for your encouragement today. Love the reminder that nothing in the Word is ever wasted. How true! Have looked for the ministry quote and cannot reference the author with certainty. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  4. Katherine
    Feb 3, 2014 at 2:32 am

    Jesus is really revealed in the tabernacle!!!!
    jn1 : 1

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