
Exchanging Filthy Rags

Feb 10, 2012 / Bible Study / 2 COMMENTS

Today’s Bible Study
February 10, 2012

They must always wash their hands and feet” (Exodus 30:21).

Click the link to see what the Tabernacle furniture looked like:
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See the Tabernacle furniture

To Find (look for):

  1. What was the primary spice used in the anointing oil and incense (Exodus 30:22)?
  2. What was the precious metal used to pay for ransom when census was taken (Exodus 30:13)?

To Mind (key point):
When Moses numbered the people, there were 603,550 men. If each of these gave half a shekel, that totaled 301,775 shekels. There were 3,000 shekels to a talent and 100 talents were required for the tabernacle (ninety-six sockets for the walls and an additional four sockets for the pillars which upheld the veil – see Exodus 38:27). Each socket represented the redemption value of 6,000 people and each board the redemption value of 12,000 people (the number sealed of every tribe in Revelation 7:1-8). Surely the significance for us is that God will redeem all those who ask Him and not one will be lost!

To Bind (apply to our lives):
The foundation of the worship of Israel was redemption and the Tabernacle was founded on atonement. Silver represents redemption. Charles Spurgeon said it this way, “All the boards of incorruptible wood and precious gold stood upon the redemption price and the curtains of fine linen, and the veil of matchless workmanship and the whole structure rested on nothing else but the solid mass of silver which had been paid as the redemption money of the people.” Think about that! Our God desires to bless and has paid the price personally to redeem you and me! Does this create in you a grateful heart? You can exchange your filthy rags (sin) for pure linen (righteousness). All you have to do is enter into life-long fellowship with God through Jesus.

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  1. 2 Comments
  2. Vonda Skelton
    Feb 10, 2012 at 8:17 am

    Wow, Shannon, what a great study today! First, thank you for the images you’ve shared with us. It makes it so much easier to understand and see how things were done.

    As a writer, speaker, and creative-type person, I was encouraged to see that God called Bezalel to craft the items needed. He also called other “gifted craftsmen” to make what He commanded them to make. Likewise, He calls each of us to use our gifts, whatever He has given us, to honor Him and bring Him glory. What joy to discover the call, the giftings of our own lives!

    I pray you have a blessed weekend. Can’t wait to see you Monday morning!

    • Shannon
      Feb 10, 2012 at 4:14 pm

      Awesome! Reminds me of the verse that I love so much: God’s gifts and our calling cannot be revoked (Rom 11:29).

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