
Equipped for the Work

May 22, 2012 / Bible Study / 4 COMMENTS

Today’s Bible Study
May 22, 2012

Huram made all these things of burnished bronze for the Temple” (I Kings 7:45).

Solomon’s Temple:
Solomon's Temple

Click here to see the redistricting of Israel under Solomon:
Redistricting the Land under Solomon

To Find (look for):

  1. How long did it take to build the palaces (1 Kings 7:1)?
  2. What did they call the magnificent water Basin (1 Kings 7:23)?

To Mind (key point):
In addition to the Temple, the construction projects of Solomon took 20 years. It was the biggest building project ever seen in Western Semitic lands up until this point.

To Bind (apply to our lives):
Under divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Huram is able to make magnificently-carved bronze pieces including two entrance pillars, a water basin, carts, lampstands, tables and utensils used during sacrificial ceremonies. This was an amazing accomplishment. In whatever way God asks you to serve Him, He will also equip you adequately for the task.

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  1. 4 Comments
  2. Barbara
    May 22, 2012 at 8:57 am

    Shannon. Great lesson today. Loved the maps. Why was Judah not touched as far as districting? Was it still separate. Maybe I’m getting my school lessons mixed up with yours.

    • Shannon
      May 24, 2012 at 9:20 am

      Hi Barbara, can’t remember reading anything definitive about that, so I can’t say for sure.

  3. Vonda Skelton
    May 26, 2012 at 8:03 am

    Shannon, today’s reading was another passage that seemed boring and full of details I wasn’t really interested in…but now I’ve learned that doesn’t mean the lesson will be boring!

    The comparison between David and Solomon is a profound revelation of living a life after God’s own heart and living a life of self gratification. The picture of their “ministries” blew me away! Oh, that I would be a woman of passion for God and His Word in the way David was! I pray God will protect us from the love of more stuff and fill us with a love for more of Him.

    Thank you for another great day!

    • Shannon
      May 26, 2012 at 8:25 am

      Stuff does have a way of complicating things, doesn’t it? David truly is a wonderful role model.

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